Frequently Asked Questions
Are the paintings entirely handcrafted?
Absolutely. Every painting is meticulously handcrafted by our skilled artists—no prints, only authentic brushstrokes for a true masterpiece.
Will my painting come framed?
If you select a framed option, your artwork will arrive professionally stretched and framed, ready to hang. Every framed piece is securely packaged and shipped with insured express delivery at no additional cost.
How long does it take to receive my order?
Your satisfaction is our priority. If you're not completely happy with your artwork, contact us within 90 days for a full refund or request a complimentary revision to ensure it’s perfect for you.
Is my purchase protected during shipping?
Yes. Every order is carefully packaged to prevent damage and is fully insured, ensuring your painting arrives in pristine condition.
Can I customize my painting?
Yes! We offer customization options, including size adjustments and slight modifications to colors or details. If you have specific requests, feel free to contact us before placing your order.
Will I receive a preview of my painting before it ships?
Yes. Before we ship your painting, we will send you a final image of your artwork for approval, ensuring you are completely satisfied with the final result.
Do you ship internationally?
Currently, we exclusively ship within the United Kingdom. While we don’t offer international shipping at this time, we’re always exploring new possibilities, so stay tuned for future updates!
Are there additional import duties or taxes?
Import duties and taxes are included in the price.
How do I care for my painting?
To preserve your painting’s quality, keep it in a dry environment away from direct sunlight and humidity. If needed, dust gently with a soft, dry cloth.
Can I return or exchange my painting?
Yes! We offer a 90-day return policy. If you’re not completely satisfied, you can return the painting for a full refund or request a revision.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, Klarna and Afterpay. You can view all available payment options at checkout.
Wallery UK
Company Name: MWNL Limited
Company Registration Number: 1621673
Address: 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, England
Phone: +44 7426 901730
Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00 GMT, Sunday: Closed
Reach out to us: Contact page